Recently we’ve added two new apprentices to our roster…
Shae is our “Social Media and Marketing” guru, so if you’ve seen our posts on Twitter or one of our oddly satisfying printer unboxing videos on TikTok, you’ve seen his work first-hand. There are more updates on the way, so make sure to follow us and you won’t miss a thing.
Steven on the other hand is one of the engineers working on our helpdesk, so you may have seen him on call to fix a problem or spoken to him over the phone when reporting an issue. Our helpdesk is now able to solve some problems remotely, so you may end up speaking to him while he solves an issue without having to leave the office.
Connor who has been with us since November has taken on the responsibility of running our helpdesk and ensure we are looking after our customers properly.
Overall, it’s great to see young people joining our team and happily taking on the roles and responsibilities that help us grow into a stronger Social Enterprise. They are proof that giving young people an opportunity has a benefit to everyone concerned.